A Guide to Costs

The exact prices charged will differ between practices.  All are INCL VAT estimates.  If a more precise estimate is required, please contact the practice where the cardiology appointment is going to be.

Standard Cardiology Consultations

In and around Sheffield a guide to the consultation price when a pet is seen for the first time is £150-220.

An initial standard heart scan (echocardiography) would be £350-500

If any other tests are suggested at the time of the consultation, the cost will be advised.

Heart Testing (healthy pets for breeding only)

Examination, listening with stethoscope and certificate approximately £65. This is the only requirement for many dog breeds.

For Cavalier King Charles Spaniels : new echo doppler test £150

Examination, listening with stethoscope, full echocardiography (AKA heart scan & Doppler echo) and certificate approximately £265, for all other dogs.

Cats : please see section on heart testing.  The cost will depend on the age of the cat and reduces as the cat gets older. Prices start at £220 for and can become as low as £81 for older cats with parents known to have been recently tested.